KOMODO ISLAND Tourist attractions in Nusa Tenggara Komodo island is a protected site by the world. Komodo island is a protected world heritage site by UNESCO since 1991. On the island you will find the Komodo dragons of various sizes. Privileged tourist island komodo dragons are the nearly extinct. Besides Komodo island has also become an international heritage site. Here you can see the dragons that are directly active daily living in their natural habitat. Tourist attractions Komodo island presenting the experience of seeing these endangered animals, survival. For example, when dragons eat how they prey on deer and even wild boar to the wild horses. In the language of the Nusa Tenggara they called dragons are ora. For children the dragons they can climb trees, but when they mature they could not climb trees anymore. Komodo dragons can be sized up to 3 meters and weighs 90 kg. Tourist attractions of the island komodo dragons not only presents the view nalready enda...