WEST PAPUA (ART) West Papua ( Indonesian : Papua Barat ) is a province of Indonesia . It covers the two western peninsulas of the island of New Guinea . Its capital is Manokwari , although the largest city is Sorong , and the 2010 census recorded a population of 760,855; [1] the latest official estimate (as at January 2014) is 877,437. West Papua possition at the globe is in the head of Cendrawasih Bird, which is the symbol or the special bird from papua itself. Art in Papua is very diverse, because there are so many art in Papua, such as traditional musical instrument., and traditional dance. Let us know Papuan culture as one of the cultural richness of Indonesia as traditional musical instruments, traditional dance and other art found in Papua, also the tourist attractions in Papua. There is one name of a traditional musical instrument most famous of which came from Papua, Tifa. Tifa musical instrument is a traditional musical i...