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West Papua (Indonesian: Papua Barat) is a province of Indonesia. It covers the two western peninsulas of the island of New Guinea. Its capital is Manokwari, although the largest city is Sorong, and the 2010 census recorded a population of 760,855;[1] the latest official estimate (as at January 2014) is 877,437. West Papua possition at the globe is in the head of Cendrawasih Bird, which is the symbol or the special bird from papua itself. Art in Papua is very diverse, because there are so many art in Papua, such as traditional musical instrument., and traditional dance.

Let us know Papuan culture as one of the cultural richness of Indonesia as traditional musical instruments, traditional dance and other art found in Papua, also the tourist attractions in Papua. There is one name of a traditional musical instrument most famous of which came from Papua, Tifa.
Tifa musical instrument is a traditional musical instrument from the region Maluku and Papua. The shape of musical instruments like drums and Tifa Tifa how to play it is to hit. Tifa musical instrument made from a piece of wood whose contents have been emptied, and at one end closed using animal skins were first dried deer. It is intended to produce a good sound and beautiful. This instrument is often played as an instrument of traditional music and often played to accompany traditional dances, such as the war dance, Asmat traditional dance, and dance gatsi.
Papua, Indonesia's eastern-most province is well-known for its beautiful panorama and rich cultures. One of its many cultural elements is traditional dance. An interesting social dance is Yospan, short for Yosim Pancar.Yospan is traditional dance and people will dance Yospan when there is a custom party. The people with a whole-heatedly dancing the dance because of the music, good instrument and the posotive energy from the others, so they can dance all out. 

Sometiomes, yospan is grouping by couples, man and woman who dance in a couple.
Papeda is a typical food such as sago Maluku and Papua, which is usually served with fish. Papeda white colored and textured to resemble sticky glue with fresh flavors. Papeda is a food rich in fiber, low in cholesterol and quite nutritious. Papeda is delicious, sometimes Papuan eat Papeda with fish. Papeda is made from Sagoo, and in Papua they use sagoo to change rice because sagoo is contained a carbohydrate so sometimes they changed rice in to Papeda. Peoples like to consume papeda is because the carbohydrate is not high as rice so can help people who still in diet to enjoy the food without thinking.

            Indonesia is very rich, especially Papua. Why? Because Papua has it all, start from traditional music and dance, and also a traditional delicious food. But nowadays, people choose to go abroad for enjoying their holiday, but they surely know Indonesia especially Papua is rich in their art. We should thank God for all we have in our country, it’s quiet perfect but people here don’t realize how rich we are. They choose to go abroad but in fact our country is beautiful.
Indonesia has so many province and it has so many kind of arts. So, it’s really good for us to tell about the rich of our art to our friend or family out there, especially in the other country, so they will get curious and come to our country. People will never regret to deliver this good news for the others because we really do have it all.
In conclusion, west Papua is really rich. It has so many art there. We are as an Indonesian,, should be proud of our tourism in our country. Don’t go travelling to the other country, because we surely have everything in our country. Please, show the world that indonesia is rich, Indonesia has so many beautiful place and art to be visited and learned. Love your country first, before you love other’s.




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